Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Notes for the week of 2/16-2/20

Seize the Day

This last week, my first son was born on Friday, February 13th @11:19am. He weighed eight pounds, three ounces. As I write this, he has just finished eating for like the eighth time today, he has had numerous dirty dippers and he keeps his mom and dad up at all hours of the night. Yet, I sit here thinking what a special baby he is.

In the days leading up to his birth, I believe God has been telling me over and over, "Seize the Day" or 'Enjoy Every Moment." I am like a lot of people in that I am always looking for the next thing. The whole time Melanie was pregnant I was looking ahead to the birth of Caleb. Now I am looking forward to his first crawl, first smile, first word, the first time he walks, etc. I believe God's message to me is to slow day and enjoy each moment. My mom and day keep telling me that one day I will look back and miss the diaper changing and the night time crying. So, I am going to soak in these moments and seize the day.

I hope this is helpful not just for new parents, but for all of us in life. We will all only be in this place in life once, so we should cherish each moment God gives us.

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